Recently Decoded
WDBAB23A5CB304432240 D
10/10/24, 3:02 PM 4JGBF71E87A184114GL 450 4MATIC
9/30/24, 9:19 PM WDBUF76J35A673342E 55 AMG
9/27/24, 3:14 PM WDDGF4HB2EG255702C 250 CGI
9/25/24, 1:17 AM WDBLJ65WX1F174309CLK 320
9/14/24, 8:40 PM WDDHH8JB1CA553867E 350 4MATIC
9/12/24, 10:22 PM WDDGF5HB0CR200303C 350 CGI
9/11/24, 12:01 AM wdd2040472a906140C 250 CGI
9/8/24, 9:16 AM WDB2030461F879044C 180 KOMPRESSOR
9/7/24, 7:31 AM WDBUF22X69B374666E 320 CDI
8/25/24, 1:51 PM WDC2030762R159996C 55 AMG
8/25/24, 10:11 AM WDF63970513888000KOMBI
8/24/24, 7:11 AM 4JGDA5JB0EA399713ML/GLE 350
8/21/24, 1:55 PM WDDHF2EB2DA727895E 350 BLUETEC
8/20/24, 4:43 PM WDB9320731L3426621831 AK - 1851 AK
8/20/24, 12:08 PM 4JGDA5HB6FA617242ML/GLE 350 4MATIC
8/19/24, 2:49 PM 9BM6953048B569200L 1622 / L 1620
8/18/24, 4:25 PM WDBBA45C8FA016951380 SL
8/14/24, 11:48 PM WDBBA45A8EA002044380 SL
8/14/24, 2:45 AM WDBNG70J31A184511S 430
8/13/24, 9:57 PM WDBTJ56H07F220068CLK 350
8/13/24, 1:09 PM 4JGDA5HB8DA106323ML/GLE 350 4MATIC
8/12/24, 7:27 PM WDD2040482A905359C 200 CGI
8/9/24, 2:28 PM WDBRF52H26F746542C 230
8/9/24, 1:22 PM WDDGF8AB9DA791548C 300 CGI 4MATIC
8/7/24, 5:49 PM 55SWF4KB1FU039123 WDBUF87X18B199267 WDBAB33C1FA230170 WDBFA76E9SF106979 WDDGF5EB5AR102787 WDBRF61J02F281571 WDBUF87X48B242550 WDBHA28E0RF015554 WDDNG7DB7DA497950 WDBHA23G9WA624465 WDBCA35D4GA215665 WDBAB33A9EA183516 4JGAB54E0YA155313What is a VIN (Vehicle Identification Number)?
Your Mercedes Benz vehicle identification number (VIN) is the serial that encodes the characteristics of your vehicle.
Input a VIN and you will find out information about the year, make, model, trim, exterior paint color, upholstery, engine, transmission as well as custom package and options specific to the vehicle.
Why do I decode the VIN?
There are numerous benefits of decoding the VIN, from making sure that the make and model match a seller description, confirming engine or trim options, making sure a sought after options is really included. You can also confirm the production date or model year of the vehicle when ordering parts or accesories.