Recently Decoded
WDD2040012A899760C 200 CDI
2/18/25, 12:00 AM WDD2040032A836329C 250 CDI
2/18/25, 12:00 AM Wddgf5eb0br134323C 280 / C 300
2/16/25, 10:37 PM WDB2110221B239158E 320 CDI
2/16/25, 8:33 PM WDDGF8AB2EG232194C 300 CGI 4MATIC
2/11/25, 4:43 PM WDBGA57G5XA431657600 SEL V12 / S 600
2/10/25, 11:55 AM WDB1400571A352910600 SEL V12 / S 600
2/10/25, 11:54 AM WDDNG71X79A273889S 500 / S 550 USA / JAPAN
2/10/25, 5:43 AM WDDHF0CB5EB065801E 220 CDI
2/8/25, 9:09 AM WDCGG8HB8AF362603GLK 350 4MATIC
2/7/25, 4:32 PM WDDGF54X08F014237C 280 / C 300
2/4/25, 11:14 PM WDBSK75F34F075396SL 500
1/22/25, 5:52 AM WDB2020221F354432C 220
1/16/25, 5:37 PM WDDNG71X37A044333S 500 / S 550 USA / JAPAN
12/19/24, 11:43 PM WDBUF65J33A292356E 320
12/18/24, 11:07 AM wdf63809413465508VITO 108 CDI, 110 CDI 112 CDI, 113, 114
12/18/24, 3:44 AM WDDGJ4HB5EG283217C 250 CGI
12/14/24, 6:13 PM WDDFH3EW8AJ529201B 200 TURBO
12/10/24, 2:15 PM WDBHA28W7TF519910C 280 , C36 AMG
12/5/24, 11:30 AM wdb1400332A090256300 SEL 3.2 / S 320
11/18/24, 3:49 AM WDBHA18W5VF594568C 180
11/5/24, 6:06 PM WDD1724341F116361SLK/SLC 200
10/30/24, 5:46 AM WDCGG0EB0FG345866GLK 250 BLUETEC 4MATIC
10/29/24, 8:55 PM 4JGAB54E3YA158805ML 320
10/23/24, 10:52 AM WDD2211562A047920S 350
10/21/24, 6:53 AM WDBSK75F23F027662 WDDNG7BB3BA389177 WDBHA22E1TF453595 4JGBB86E27A269606 55SWF4KB5FU028254 WDBRF84J05F671520 WDDGF8BB1CA709258 WDBRF61J62F211069 WDBBA25A4BB001595 WDBFA61E2MF020854 WDDGF8BB0CR203003 WDBUF56J96A804036What is a VIN (Vehicle Identification Number)?
Your Mercedes Benz vehicle identification number (VIN) is the serial that encodes the characteristics of your vehicle.
Input a VIN and you will find out information about the year, make, model, trim, exterior paint color, upholstery, engine, transmission as well as custom package and options specific to the vehicle.
Why do I decode the VIN?
There are numerous benefits of decoding the VIN, from making sure that the make and model match a seller description, confirming engine or trim options, making sure a sought after options is really included. You can also confirm the production date or model year of the vehicle when ordering parts or accesories.